Thursday, September 17, 2009

Everything has a Begining this is Mine.

Why would I write something that I could just say? I love talking, I often joke that i could talk to a wall. The reality is much of my growing up was spent talking to the walls. I have five brothers and for someone reason they never wanted to play house or school with me, so I made do with my imagination, or in many cases the wall. This is going to be much of the same thing me typing to a wall. I'm not funny or witty like many other bloggers. I don't have a great plan to cook all of Julia Childs recipes in a year, I don't take fabulous pictures that I want others to see in fact I generally don't take pictures at all, and I don't live a life out of the norm. What I do have is "Material". Material is all the funny, awkward, horrid, why did that have to happen to me stories that we know in twenty years or twenty minutes we will be able to laugh about. Material is all the stuff in life that sometimes just doesn't make sense. Material is everything that makes life worth living.

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