Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today is this brother's birthday. He is officially an adult as of today. Only problem? Carter has wisdom that exceeds his age. He has always been an example to me of how to overcome life's trials. He has made his life something that anyone would be proud of. He is not a quitter. He is a fighter. Carter has taught me that anything is possible with hard work and perseverance. He has taught me that your weaknesses can become your strengths and to not dwell on that which is hard for you but to do what you need to do to suceed. So Carter happy birthday I love you and look up to you more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

  1. madi!!
    yay! we can be blog sistas! you made my sunday and whole week! i really really want to move in!! im trying to finalize my spring plans! so its madison 13? is it a four person? add me on fbook so we can chat. ps you post on dating. hilarious. its so true. i honestly do not date. period.
    we could change that this summer tho! :]
