Thursday, April 29, 2010

new found love

I don't know if you know this or not but I kinda like really totally love clothes. This is not a new thing it has been going on for as long as I remember. 

In fact just the other day Faith asked mom how I stayed so girly with all the brothers? Grace told Faith it is just the way I am. Oh so much truth to that. I love clothes, I love makeup, I love accessories, I love pretty hair, and lately I love wearing heels. I feel like such a lady when I wear them.

I especially love these found by one of my favorite fashionistas. They do not have them in her size so I guess I will just have to buy them for myself in my size (love nude, and purple).  Thanks for the find Jules.

your recently taller friend Madison

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dust, D, Dustin

(dustin and elise)

Today the oldest Call child turns 25. The oldest of 8 kids can never be an easy place to be. You are the example. You are the guinea pig. You are also the leader. Dustin was everyone of these things. He had an ability to demand the best out of each of the siblings. He demanded the best from himself. He led the way for many a teacher to love me. Dust was always reading, debating, having fun and living right. I can rember praying in the horrible years of Jr. High to be as cool, fun, outgoing, smart and good looking as my oldest brother (you think I am kidding...I am dead serious). 

Dustin has always set the standard high, and he did it again this November when he married Elise. They bring each other up. They make each other better and most importantly they are happy. I would be lying if I said D and I always got along. The truth is I always wanted to be the oldest, I would fight with Dust. I was even known to smack him across the face (I was hormonal?). Want to know what is so noble of Dust though? Yeah he yelled at me, and narked on me to mom but he never touched me. He never made me feel like he did not love me. That is the way Dustin is. He is kind, loving, funny, witty, smart, obedient, hard working, an example, giving but most of all he loves me and our family. What more could you ask from an oldest brother? 

So Dustin Happy Birthday. I  am gratefully for the example you have set for me and the rest of the family. I do not tell you enough just how much I love you. I hope you have a fabulous day.

xoxo your loving little sister Madison

past, present and future

(maybe a watch like this would help?)

I love my blog and if you ever hang out with me it does not take long to know how much I love my blog. The words "have you read my blog?!" are a constant in my life. I have even been known to answer questions in school by reading a blog post. Does this make me weird? Probably, but I kinda do not care. I do not claim to be a fabulous writer. In fact I claim the exact opposite. When it comes to spelling, grammar, and punctuation you can count me out. I do not know the rules of writing but I do know that I love to express myself through words. I find the way words can reveal emotion to be stunning. I love communicating how I truly feel about someone or something through the written word (or in this case typed). 

Now that I outlined why I love my blog so much I feel as if I can tell you what happens to me now. I think in blog posts. When something happens in my life I think to myself "this would make such a great blog post!" then I take the next minute thinking of the best way to phrase what just happened to make it coherent to those that may or may not read it. Let's be honest I realize the lack of pictures on this blog and the amount of words may scare some people (oh alright they scare me and they are my words). So as I celebrated a crazy wedding week end  with the family and a trip down memory lane with the bestie more than once a fabulous blog posts came to mind. I even started a list in my journal so I can remember to tell you all about the incredible insight I received into my own life. 

But you see this creates another problem. I want to live in the present and yet the whole time the present is happening I am thinking about the best way to remember the present while not forgetting the past and trying to control the future. All these thoughts cross my mind while thinking up the next blog post (I seriously hope this makes sense?). So now I have a question that I have been trying to find the answer to for awhile now and surprisingly enough I have come up with nothing. So I open the questions to my few blog friends and whoever else may stumble upon this crazy blog. How do you live in the present?

a trying to not miss out on anything but also remember everything 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cousin Julie Ann

 (emily, me and julie ann we really are so much fun)

Tomorrow I am a bridesmaid again. It is cousin Julie Ann's wedding. She is marrying Kurt. Growing up I had no sisters. I had to wait until I was 12 before I had a sister to partner in crime with. So I decided I would claimed cousins Julie Ann and Emily as my sisters. They were the best sisters anyone could have asked for. I only had to see them a couple times a year so when I did see them I was actually excited. We always got to do pretty much whatever we wanted. We were exclusive. We were sweet. We were kinda mean. We did whatever we wanted. We were so much fun. 

It is crazy to think that Julie Ann is getting married tomorrow. She is then moving to New York for an incredible internship she will be the breadwinner. You see Julie Ann is smart, practical, kind, loving, beautiful, and fun. She will be a great asset to Citibank.  I am beyond happy for her. I just can not believe how fast time goes by and how much things change. I feel like it was yesterday we were flower girls at the aunt and uncle's weddings. Now it is your wedding and we will be bridesmaids while you are the gorgeous bride. Congratulations to Mrs. Julie Ann Hymas Frandsen!

xoxo your cousin, sister, bridesmaid, fashion consultant, and friend Madison

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

home again, home again, yes i am...

Today I moved home. I feel as if I am digressing in life. You know in movies when everything just falls apart so the main character just goes home, or in the book I just read the girl moves home in transition to the next part of her fabulous life. Then there is me. I moved home because I simply felt like I should. As I drove home tonight in the rain listening to "Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night" I could not help think of what is going to happen over the next four months.

I have been so excited for next fall that I think I forgot to think about the reality of living at home. I now have an infamous "Call Kitchen Night", I do not have room mates to distract me, I do not have the freedom to eat a 1000 otter pops, I do not share a room, I do not have to make up excuses of why I need to go to my parents house, I have internet that works, I have food to eat, I have soft water and water temperature that stays the same, I have water pressure, I have closet space, I have rules,  and I have all of this because now I live at home. I do not know how to feel?

So I figure if I really hate it I will move out. I really hope I do not hate it. I want to enjoy it. I want to be happy with my family. It was always so hard for me before. So tonight I am using self affirmation I am happy. I love my family. I trust me. Tonight I trust that I made the right choice. Tonight I am where I am supposed to be, when I am supposed to be there.

xoxo newly relocated Madison

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

in the attic

(the end of the beginning with the legit six)

When I moved out of my parents home two years ago I was not ready to give up my childhood. It was a hard time for me. A time of change I was just not ready for. So instead of going through all the stuff in my bedroom I boxed it up and put it in the attic. Then last night in preparation for my moving home for the summer I went through the boxes. I found nice notes others had written me. I found old dresses from baptism to prom. I found baby blankets and baby dolls. In essence I found my childhood.

Looking back I wonder why I kept all of this stuff. Mom says if I have kept it this long I might as well keep it a little longer. Dad says I am a pack rat. As for me I have mixed feelings. As I look at some of the pictures of me I want to rip them up. I am not that girl anymore. I am stronger than that. I would never let the things that happened to that girl in the photo happen to me. Sadly though that girl is apart of me. She is someone who I need to learn to respect. Does this make any sense? I hope it does.

Although I did find a gem of a past birthday present from this boy still on a mission. Still in the plastic wrap and all. It even has a little coupon for a free dinner of my choice. Maybe I will take him up on this offer when he comes home.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Changed Plan

So I had this plan for my life. I knew what I was going to do. How long it would take and what it would take to get there. Okay so I am lying. I had one thing on my list that was going to happen. In fact in this year's Christmas Wish book I even made the wish that I knew would come true. The wish? To fall in love or be going on a mission in the year 2010. This was the plan. I was going to go on a mission. 

Then something happened and I can honestly say I do not know what happened. One day instead of moving to King Henry for round two of summer fun I am moving home. Instead of moving home for fall semester and to prepare for previously mentioned mission I am moving out with three of my favorite ladies. I am confused you see I always new I would go on a mission at 21. I could just feel it in my bones. Now I am unsure.

Then I heard this story told by Grandma Kay last night and was inspired and  given faith. My Grandma Kay was 19 when she married my Grandpa. They fell in love on a week end get away with friends. My Grandma Kay knew she loved my Grandpa but also knew she was going to serve a mission. As she is telling my Grandpa of her dilemma he simply says, "Kay don't worry we will go on a mission together when we are older."  Since that time they have spent 16 years doing service for our church. Including two missions, mission president, temple patron and matron, Mexico MTC president, quorum of the seventy and over seeing the church educational program of Mexico. 

I guess you could say Grandpa kept his promise and Grandma Kay was true to herself. I only hope the same can be said for me and my husband someday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting To Know You

*a beautiful picture of my mom from college
I work as an office manager for a small internet marketing company in Orem. Okay so I admit it I work for my Dad. This comes with many perks one of them being he buys me lunch everyday. It is quite the conveneint set up for a struggling college student. 

Today however I just did not feel like eating lunch with the boys (my Dad and his business partner Wayne) so I called up my favorite lady and asked if she would go to lunch with me. This lady is truly my favorite. She always has good advice,  and is the best listener I know. She has never let me down. She has seen me at my absolute worst, the lowest of lows and surprisingly enough she still loves me and thinks I am indeed fabulous. 

This woman is Sue Ellen Parkinson Call. My mom. You see my mom like everyone has a story. I don't know Sue Ellen Parkinson's story. I only know Sue Ellen Call's story. I love her story. I love how she fell in love with my Dad. I love how she chose to raise us children. I love that she chose to graduate college and teach third grade (if only for a year). I love how she loves adventure, she is up for anything always. I love that she thinks I am wonderful. I love that she had 8 kids. I love that she has a testimony and that every time I wanted her to be my best friend she said that that is when I should rely on the Lord and allow him to be my best friend. I love that she cares about others. I love that she has so many people who adore her. I love almost everything about her.

As I am sure you all love your own mothers for many of the same reasons that I do I must say that there is one thing I do not love about my mother and that is I want to know her whole story. As for now I am Madison Call some day I will be Madison Call insert married last name here. When that day comes I will never forget the lessons I learned as Madison Call and hope that I will share the story whether good, bad, beautiful, ugly, or messy with my children.  So Mom as you read this (and I hope you do) know that I want to know your story. I want to know Sue Ellen Parkinson. And for all of you who are not my Mom have you ever wanted to know the woman that became your Mom?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

plato was a famous philosopher...

I worked as a manager at Plato's Closet for close to 3 years. I loved almost every minute of it. The ladies I worked with were fabulous and patient with me. As I grew from a 16 year old high school junior to a 19 year old college sophomore I considered Plato's home. It was a safe place. A place I could go when everything else around me seemed to be falling apart. I worked with my best friends, Kelli, Julie, Cindy, Brittany, Jessica, Starrie, Anna Shumway, Anna Shorten, Kim, Jordan, Amber, Amy, Chelsea, Rachel and many other ladies who helped shape me into who I am today. 

I took many lessons with me when I left Plato's. I had a new appreciation for restaurants that delivered, customer services skills, simple math, tagging guns, tagging machines, touch screen computers, supply lists, entering emails, working with girls, managing girls, talking to girls, shopping, designer jeans, designer anything, clothes in general, friendship, work related friendships, non-work related friendships, back to school shopping, late holiday hours, late nights, hanger throw up, heavy bins, unclogging toilets, and pretty much any other life lesson that can or cannot be taught while working at a second hand clothing story with 15 ladies you absolutely adore. 

Today I am nonstalgic of my Plato's days. I miss the conversation. I miss the ladies. I miss the customers. I miss working with my best friends. I miss the 30% employee discount. I miss the employee basket. I miss the Plato's cash. I miss wearing a new outfit everyday. I miss the gossip (sorry Brit). I miss trying on at the end of my shift. I miss closing registers. I miss dancing to Muzac. I miss the sisterhood.  Today I miss Plato's.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Bye

(me, lauren, krissie, alyse, ally, stephanie)

I will be saying good bye to these lovely ladies in a week. I can not possibly describe the love I have for these five ladies. They have watched me through some of the lowest lows and highest highs. The second year of college was not an easy one for me. I lost myself and had to find myself more than once. They were there for me. They listened to what I had to say. They quoted my quotes. They looked at my Christmas decorations til April. They laughed at my lame jokes. Most of all they loved me for me.

To Lauren you are getting married and I do not know what I will do with out you and our long conversations late at night, before work, before school, after church, Saturday nights, and any other time we were both home. Trevor is a lucky guy. I can truly be me when I am around you and that is the best gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you.

Krissie where do I even begin. Since the first time I saw you and you were willing to listen to my explanation of the roomies I knew I would like you. You are stronger than anyone I have ever met. You are can be more inappropriate than me (which is saying something), and yet you are true to who you are and I love that about you.

Alyse you left me a month too early! I have struggled sleeping alone and not having pillow talk with someone who has great advice. You are the one who saw me at some of the lowest of lows and yet you laughed with me and even cried with me. Thank you for the love, friendship and happiness, advice, confidant, clean room and understanding of my messy room.

Ally you are one of a kind that is for sure. Since the time Steph began describing you to me I knew I would either love or hate you. Lucky for you I loved you. You are who you are and you make no apologies. Africa is lucky to have you for the summer! Guess what? Someday you will find your prince charming and it will be better than any facebook stalking relationship you have had.

Stephanie I do not even know where to begin we did not always get along. I am sorry for this. You were so gracious in truly listening to what I had to say and I can never take back what I said but I will take with me the love you still showered upon me. John is so lucky! You have an ability to make others feel as if they have known you your whole life. This is somthing special and I am envious about. Thank you for sharing part of who you are with me even though I have been so undeserving.

So to my incredible roommates of Liberty Square Madison 13 we have some fabulous stories to tell and I can only imagine they will get better with time. So we go our separate ways I can not wait to see what will come to each of us with time. One thing I am certain of is this Wicked song (Krissie go ahead belt it)

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you

Because I knew you

I have been changed for good 

xoxo your fav roomie Madison

Monday, April 12, 2010

Story Telling

(Bre, Me, Kierea, and Andrea)

When I was young I told stories. Not just to family and friends but to audiences. I would memorize the story, fill it with accents, hand gestures, and different voice inflections. This is what I did. Having never been good at sports, or art  I did what I was good at talking, reading aloud and telling stories. As a young adult I still enjoy telling stories. Only now they are not of imaginary characters doing great things, instead they are the stories of my life and the not-so-great things I have done. As I tell these stories I have come to find that I love hearing others stories as well. 

You see everyone has a story. We each have something in our life that has helped define who we are. Last night I was talking the fabulous ladies pictured and realized more prominently than ever before just how different we each are. Our stories are different. Our struggles are similar and we each have the desire to be better. To learn, to grow, to teach and to love. 

I love hearing each story. I love knowing why people have chosen to live their life the way they do. I cannot wait for the day when I understand how I can turn the telling of their stories into something greater. Someday I will be able to hear their story and give them the tools they need to heal themselves from the pain they have felt. No one can heal us. We each need to heal ourselves. Others can give us the tools needed for the healing process. It is up to us whether or not we choose to be healed.We as individuals are the only ones with the power to heal.

Now only if I could use the tools I have been taught.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I have been textually active lately. I am not a fan of texting and yet I can not stop texting the "tool". That is what I call him. I talk to this boy in person as well, but as of late it has been texting. I feel like I am in high school texting "cowboy j" again. This is only my second textual relationship and feel like it should be my last. I will see the ''tool" tomorrow in my saturday morning human sexuality class. Yes I met him in my sex class what can I say talking sex every Saturday morning makes for one great conversation starter. Someday I will tell you about how much I have enjoyed this class. As for today I am looking forward to the awkard encounter I will for sure experience with him tomorrow. As for now I gotta go I just got another sext. 

*disclaimer this is a VERY pg relationship

Thursday, April 8, 2010


i am the third of eight kids. i have two older brothers, three younger brothers and two baby sisters (i used to refer to them as the "add ons" until my mom found out). growing up i always felt so alone. i was in the middle of all these crazy boys and i am just not crazy. i am a girly girl. i love hair, makeup, dolls, playing school, playing house, i hate getting dirty and most of all i love to talk. this never went over well with all the brothers. so i made due with cousins, imaginary friends and neighborhood friends to keep me occupied. then in the midst of hell (jr. high) my mom had faith and grace. these two (despite the church names) are crazy they are polar opposites in almost every way. 

*at the pleasant grove strawberry days rodeo 2009 can you see the resemblance? 

faith has long dark hair, can not sit still for the life of her, enjoys climbing things, getting dirty, eating, being independent, basically she is call boy in a call girl body. she looks just like me and acts nothing like me. 

*at dust and elise's open house 2009 

grace on the other hand has blue eyes, light brown hair, is tiny, loves cuddling, enjoys getting all dressed up, is a perfectionist, gets a 100% on all her spelling tests, has a memory that competes with a computer, generally gets what she wants through persuasion, you could say she is an all around call girl. 

last night they spent the night at my apartment. i love playing the fun older sister. i love spending times with them. i hate when they bicker with one another. someday they will realize just how lucky they are to have each other. as time goes on i know i have become grateful for the bond of sisterhood that i have with these little "add ons". faith and grace i love you ladies and love watching you grow and mature you are both FABULOUS (i guess they do have something in common after all). i am lucky you choose to love me back.

xoxo your only favorite big sister

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good Girl Gone

*me and my bad self at kay's bachelorette party 

So I have been talking a lot about moving on and growing up. The hard thing about growing up is that sometimes we loose ourselves in the process. I particularly am guilty of this. The last week has not been an easy one. For whatever reason I turned my back on who I really am and it only made things worse. You see I am a good girl. This statement is one I have been fighting all of high school and much of college. I know this sounds funny but have you ever been labeled something from a young age and did not know if you still wanted to own that label later on in life. I guess this is what happened with me being a good girl. I do not know if this is who I really want to be. I have been fighting all my good girl instincts. And guess what? I have come out a slightly worse good girl. So I have this theory (if you know me I have lots of theories about everyone and everything) about labels. The theory is that they restrict us. They do not allow us to continue to grow and learn. Labels have this way of making us think we are either in or out. That there is no middle ground. Maybe there is a gray area where I don't always have to be a good girl but instead I just follow what I know is right whether good or bad (but lets be honest it is me it will most likely be good but now I have a choice). So as for today I am not a good girl. I am just Madison, a girl who enjoys doing good things.